Keeping Up With the Joneses

In Horizons

Friday, January 11, 2008

*ashlee singing* "It's ChristmaAas!"

Christmas was so awesome this year! It was fun just having the whole family together this year since last year we were all in different states for Christmas. Hanging out with the Critchfield's is always a unique experience indeed but i wouldn't have it any other way! It is always so crazy and fun, especially when we are trying to figure clues out for a scavenger hunt at midnight, or riding in the bed of Jason's truck on our way home in the freezing cold screaming I'LLL GET THE DOG TURD and singing, "Baby it's cold outside" to cars passing by : ) ....ah good times. This will definitely be a Christmas that i remember for numerous reasons and I hope that there are a lot more like it! My family is so awesome and I just love them all so much! We all got some pretty good gifts this year but I have to say that my favorite gift is one that we all got. On Christmas Eve my mom gave us all a copy of the Book of Mormon and just told us that this year we should try and find someone that we can really help try and see the light of the gospel and be able to share that book with them with our testimony in it. I am excited to find someone to give it to and it was just good to get a gift like that. I'm sad that the season is over but excited for all the fun memories we will have as the years go on!


Drea said...

Oh my gosh!! I LOVE YOUR PAGE! I know you haven't officially invited people to it yet, but I had to check if you did anything yet on it! Send me the pics you have of Christmas please! LOVE YOU!!

Angela said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! You are now one of us! =) So I agree that it will be a Christmas to remember. We had a lot of fun and I wouldn't have had it any other way! But just don't forget THE GREAT WALL! We'll have to go there again when I get in town! haha Oh by the way, are you on your way to Vegas yet??

Annie said...

no im not on my way but i know that Jared is so im sure you would like that better since you guys have this strong connection anyway. Oh and i gave him your number so he can call you more too! ; )